Monday, November 29, 2010

Another PJ Set and a Proud Daughter!

My youngest dd finished her pajama pants!  I bought a plain, white t-shirt and she used some embroidery floss to weave through the picot edge at the top of the shirt to dress it up a little.  I had her do the front only so the neck opening would still stretch!  I'm not sure you can see the pink floss around the neck, but oh well!  It's there!

Here she is:

I think she's very proud of her accomplishment!  Since she's so young, we've tried to have very short sessions.  I did any pressing like turning up the hem and making the casing for the elastic.  Putting the elastic in the casing turned out to be difficult since the seams were pressed open, so I did that for her, too.  But, otherwise she did all the work!  She got a lot of practice maintaining the seam width while sewing and she got to use her 1/4" foot a bit.


MushyWear said...

Great Job! I love Beatrix Potter to this day. The jammies look cute and comfy.

Anonymous said...

Look at her!! She's so adorable and what cute PJ's! Great job for the little one :)

Little Hunting Creek said...

Wow - what a great accomplishment! I still remember the firts things I made,and she will too. So cute!

Cindi said...

She did a great job!